Tuesday, June 24, 2014

AMOS The Creator - User Guide (PDF book)

  It took me quite a while, actually six years, until I've finished editing this book. I've found it on some Amiga fan website, it was on a copy of some old school disk magazine. It was a document written in some old Amiga editor, all in the same monotype font. You can imagine how much fun it was to read. That's exactly why I decided to copy it into a word processor (I used NeoOffice from the beginning to the end) and format it so it would look more like a real book. Back then it was the only version of the book I could find on the net. When I checked recently I came across several other AMOS books, including AMOS Pro and AMOS compiler text books and even a scan of entire "AMOS The Creator" book. However the scan makes the file lot larger, and for example it doesn't allow to search within the document. So it's up to you which one you decide to download. Please comment on my book and let me know if you find any typos or other errors.

  Here's a link to a page where you can download a scan of the original book in various formats.

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